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Sage Career Advice from a Top J & J Division President


By Jenny Fernandez

Quick Tip: Grow by Diversifying Your Experiences

We had an in-depth discussion with Duda Kertész, President of U.S. Skin Health at Johnson & Johnson Consumer Health. We asked her what advice she would give up and coming marketers. Here’s your quick tip.

I think being in Marketing today is so much more complicated than when I started in the field, but it is also much more exciting! Learning agility is a critical skill as marketing is always evolving and changes come fast. Having the eagerness and the passion to learn, to shift, and to adapt to change is essential as we operate in this very fast-paced environment. Today, it is critical marketers have a deep understanding of digital, connected commerce and are getting ahead of future capabilities to help their businesses become early adopters. 

I’d also say, be open and willing to gain other experiences. Having a passion for marketing will fuel your career but new experiences outside of marketing and in other markets will allow you to gain perspective, a deeper understanding of the business, help you connect the dots, and ultimately, drive better decisions. I highly recommend going beyond marketing and have experience in other parts of your organizations such as Sales and Finance as well as taking on international experience, if the opportunity presents itself. It will also help differentiate you as you grow in your career and give you a very holistic understanding of the business and the company you work for. 

Recommended Reading:

  • Learning from great leaders means walking in their shoes Here are some of Duda’s favorite business books to help you develop the tools to lead the way: 
  • “The Disruption Mindset: Why Some Organizations Transform While Others Fail”  – Charlene Li
  • “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team” – Patrick Lencioni
  • “Team of Teams” – Gen. Stanley McChrystal
  • “What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There” – Marshall Goldsmith and Mark Reiter
  • “White Fragility” – Robin DiAngelo 
  • “How to be an Antiracist”  – Ibram X. Kendi 
  • “Sapiens:  A Brief History of Humankind” – Yuval Noah Harar
  • “Blind Spot:  Hidden Biases of Good People” – Mahzarin R. Banaji and Anthony G. Greenwald

FOOTNOTE: Learn more about Duda Kertész in this inspiring interview conducted by Jenny Fernandez.

Jenny Fernandez is VP of Marketing at Loacker, Executive Coach, and Professor at Columbia Business School and New York University. As Executive Coach, Jenny empowers women leaders to become disruptors, innovators and sought-out experts in their fields. She serves as Board Advisor for AMA NY. You can connect with Jenny on LinkedIn.