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Reinvent Yourself & Build a “Tribe of Mentors”

By Melissa Stone
AMA Boston’s VP of Communications; Founder of consulting firm, Eastend Marketing

We know that 2020 has been a challenging year — unemployment is up, relationships have been complicated by the pandemic, and everyone is relying on technology to connect with others. So what better time for AMA New York to re-launch the 2020 Mentor Program? This initiative is designed to help members strategically expand their networks, and build their own personal board of advisors.

According to Tim Ferris, New York Times bestselling author of The 4-Hour Workweek and Tribe of Mentors: “Whether you want to 10x your results, get unstuck, or reinvent yourself, someone else has traveled a similar path and taken notes.” That’s the true value of a mentor.

I sat down with Jacques Pavlenyi, AMA NY’s VP of Mentorship, to get his perspective: “COVID19 made me rethink what was important, including the power of relationships. What you put into relationships is what you get back. Mentoring is the same, and is perfect for building new relationships, and strengthening existing ones.” The best path to job satisfaction is deep self-awareness, which is critical to align with your values and skillset. Mentorship is one of the best ways to nurture that self-awareness, and to take charge of your job security and career development.

Accomplished leaders have one trait in common: they grow and maintain an inner circle of stakeholders and advocates to help guide them. Mentorship is critical at every career stage. According to Entrepreneur, “your network is your net worth.”  There’s no better time to join a program dedicated to empowering you, while growing your “tribe of mentors.” 

The Mentor Program will kick off at the end of October, and will match mentor/mentee pairs for 7-8 months. For AMA Members interested in joining, applications are due by October 16th. And if you’re not yet an AMA Member, apply online to take advantage of this exclusive opportunity.