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Overwhelmed with endless marketing data? Read this.


By Paragone Marketing Team

Today’s marketer is drowning in a sea of data. There are endless campaigns and channels to track, multiple KPIs, and different sets of creative and text. Not to mention various product lines or services within one company. 

The role of data is not the problem. After all, data is becoming increasingly important in all aspects of business. As pointed out in an article by MIT, How to build data literacy in your company, it’s crucial to “establish a common way of talking about data throughout the organization.” And what example is used to illustrate the issue? Analysts collaborating with marketers on a project to optimize ROAS. Marketers definitely hold a crucial role when it comes to using data to generate strategic insights for a company. 

However, the demands surrounding marketing data, especially for social advertising, are great. Sometimes it can feel like the marketer is serving the data, instead of the other way around. We’ve all been there. How many times have you gotten lost in  Excel trying to extract just the right data to illustrate your point? How many hours a week have you spent generating and updating reports for your manager or clients? 

What can we be doing instead of managing the data?
We could be focusing on inspiration and creativity. Approximately 70% of a successful brand campaign is driven by the creative. This has been confirmed by Harvard Business Review: more creative campaigns are more effective, considerably so. And now more than ever in the digital age, creative ideas must be strong enough to inspire all along the campaign life cycle.

It’s not just the creative that can get shortchanged when a marketer spends too many hours wrangling the data. It’s the creative aspect of reaching your audiences that also suffers. It’s hard to be strategic and innovative about getting the right message across to the right people when instead you’re putting together data reports most of the day. 

What’s being done to solve the problem?
Tools are available to help the modern marketer. Some of the most effective ones are built on the basis of sophisticated AI, which is able to detect patterns and generate insights that would be almost impossible to do by hand, even by the Excel masters among us. These tools run sophisticated algorithms on the back end that crunch thousands of lines of data, identifying trends and making predictions that can be invaluable for a business. This is especially helpful when it comes to backtesting your performance strategy or predicting probabilities for meeting future performance goals. 

Other tools make it easier to view and organize all of your launch phases, across products and business units, with the ability to track KPI’s and stats in real-time, to identify bottlenecks and opportunities. This makes it much easier to follow up on the execution of cross-channel social media campaigns. 

And others simply automate the activities that are the most time consuming. This can be done based on specific business rules, performance, or external events. Essentially, these tools take over the busy work of managing campaigns and their data.

Many marketers today are looking for a solution that will help them go beyond their data, so they can focus on the creative, more inspiring aspects of their work. is built precisely on this premise – helping people take control of their social advertising in the constantly changing world of modern marketing. Learn more about how Paragone’s AI-based platform can help the modern marketer manage and improve social advertising performance, based on the data. Visit to see what it’s all about. 

Paragone Marketing team:  No matter where we are or what we’re doing, we’re always listening to office gossip… And by that we mean blog content! Innovative features on the platform, clients’ feedback, the latest social ad tech news, we’re a sponge for knowledge. We’re constantly striving to produce unconventional content relating to our social ad tech solutions in order to educate our readers on all the latest in the social-media sphere.