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Neuroscience and Marketing: Better Communication Through Neuroscience

October 16, 2017

Neuroscience and Marketing Tony DottinoNeuroscience and marketing–that is what attracted a near-capacity audience at the AMA Executive Circle October 2017 meeting hosted by New York Blood Center for an exciting and enlightening presentation “Better Communication Through Neuroscience.”

Tony Dottino, an expert on the neuroscience of leadership, shared concepts and interactive exercises to teach us how to dial up our messaging and persuasive ability through “Brain to Brain Communication,” and pragmatic techniques from neuro- and behavioral science.

Communication is our most powerful tool but also the one that’s hardest to master because it entails much more than just words.

Tony has used such science-backed methodologies to transform culture, streamline operations and drive up revenues at organizations such as Johnson & Johnson, JP Morgan Chase, British Airways and more.  While at IBM, he created a best-in-class workshop that received the President’s Award for Innovation and served as the foundation for Six Sigma. He helped develop criteria for the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award.

Tony’s presentation gave us tools and ideas to increase our professional impact and personal lives. It’s yet another example of the value that AMA Executive Circle brings to our community of senior marketers.

So what does this mean?  ─ Good GIGG instead of Bad GIGG Can Change Your Life

Tony explained:

We’re all familiar with GIGO ─ “Garbage In, Garbage Out.”  When we feed our brains garbage, that is, bad information from stagnated thinking and complacency, we’re actually creating GIGG that is “Garbage In and Garbage Growing.” But feed our brains good information with new learning and insights, GIGG then is “Good In and Good Growing.”  (It’s all about the brain’s neurons and how the brain works: thus, neuroscience has implications for effective and ineffective marketing and communications programs and for our growth both as marketers and as individuals, which Tony explained more fully.)

Want to know more about Tony’s innovative work? See  He’s also written two books, which you can find listed on his LinkedIn profile:

Reported by Rich Miller-Murphy and Jim Siegel, members of the AMA Executive Circle Leadership Team. Rich is Director of Marketing for Blood, Laboratory and Medical Services at NY Blood Center. Jim, recently Executive Vice President for Marketing & Communications at HealthCare Chaplaincy Network, consults to not-for-profit organizations.