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LinkedIn Image Sizes and LinkedIn Text Limits Character Counts

By Lisa Merriam
AMA New York Board of Directors

LinkedIn image sizes and text limits change from time to time. If you are updating your LinkedIn profile, here are the latest recommended LinkedIn image sizes and text character limits:


LinkedIn Image Sizes Company Page:

LinkedIn company logo size: 300 x 300
LinkedIn cover photo size: 1536 x 768
Company photos: 900 x 600

LinkedIn Image Sizes Profile:

LinkedIn profile picture size: 400 x 400
LinkedIn background size: 1584 x 396
LinkedIn post image size: 1200 x 1200 (desktop) 1200 x 628 (mobile)
LinkedIn link post size: 1200 x 628
LinkedIn video size: 256 x 144 (minimum) to 4096 x 2304 (maximum)
Maximum LinkedIn video length: 10 minutes

LinkedIn Text Limits Company Page:

Company name: 100
About us: 2000
Status update: 700
Showcase page name: 100
Showcase page description: 200

LinkedIn Text Limits for Profile:

First name: 20
Last name: 40
Professional headline: 120 on desktop, 240 on mobile
Vanity URL: 29
Address: 1000
Website anchor text: 30
Website URL: 256
Phone number: 25
About summary: 2,600
Experience section: Position title: 100
Experience Section: Position description: 2000
Each skill: 80
Publication title: 250
Publication description: 2,000
Profile status update: 1300 (200 characters are visible before see more.)
Inviting to connect (Add Note): 300

More on using LinkedIn:

LinkedIn Image Sizes and LinkedIn Text Limits Character Counts
Marketing Career Boot Camp: How to Stand Out on LinkedIn
Webinar:Refining your personal brand for the next phase of your career
Webinar:Build your brand from intern to professional