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Leadership Development: Tips for Taking Your Seat at the Table

By Daina Tilton
AMA New York Volunteer

Within businesses of any size, leadership development is fundamental to long-term organizational success.

Leadership has been defined as the process by which an individual determines direction, influences a group, and directs the group toward a specific goal or mission.

AMA New York is dedicated to developing the leaders of tomorrow and is thrilled to have Bernice Clark, the Chief Marketing Officer of the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC), share her wisdom in the most recent Women in Marketing webinar.

Bernice Clark has successfully transitioned from her start in the agency world at Leo Burnett, to over ten years on the client-side in retail at Marshall Field’s and Macy’s, to her current role at the nonprofit corporation, NYCEDC, leading marketing for the organization’s multifaceted efforts to promote economic growth in New York City.

Through each industry, and each position, she developed leadership skills that paved a path to success for not only herself but teams and brands. Quite the trifecta if you ask us!

Leadership Development Tips

Here are the top 10 leadership development tips that made Bernice an inspirational Chief Marketing Officer:

  1. Watch and learn what leaders within and outside of your organization are doing well and find ways to make it authentic for you
  2. Focus on the value you can bring to a client or your organization’s mission and goals
  3. Take a “servant leader” approach by identifying what needs to be done and ask how you can help; listening to your team is key
  4. Always encourage others to grow, develop, and be educated – when your team succeeds, you succeed
  5. Stand up for yourself by respecting yourself and others. If you didn’t watch the webinar, we highly encourage you to hear the story when Bernice took a seat at the table and shared her voice during her younger years at Leo Burnett – you’ll love it just as much as we did!
  6. Explore opportunities where you are able to learn by gaining new experience and contribute by applying past experience
  7. Improve EQ by understanding how change impacts people – instill confidence that they can make it through, for both the employee and consumer
  8. It’s normal – and OK – for a leader not to know everything; curiosity and understanding is the first step and building/respecting a team that fills knowledge gaps is the second step
  9. Manage a transition to another industry and/or position through leveraging: 1) The Nature of Marketing – Strategy and execution skills are transferable, and 2) The Nature of Relationships – Don’t underestimate the power of your network; continue to actively cultivate these relationships

Last but certainly not least, in this webinar and during these uncertain times, our favorite point that Bernice shared for strong leadership is perseverance. While it may seem simple to say, and easy to understand, continuing to take action is the type of behavior that leaders share in common.

As we navigate our own careers, do not forget Bernice’s last words:

“Never give up!”
Which of these leadership development tips resonate with you? Share in the comments!

Don’t miss our next webinar featuring Jenny Fernandez, who continues the conversation on the power of networking.