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Email Marketing Effectiveness Statistics to Improve Your Digital Marketing Strategy

By Lisa Merriam
AMA New York Board of Directors

Email marketing effectiveness is a proven fact. One of the older forms of digital marketing, email marketing continues to outperform all other tactics by a factor of four to one. There may be 3.5 billion people using social media around the world, but the latest statistics on active email users tops 3.9 billion.

Email remains the king of return on investment. eMarketer’s recent study pegged its media ROI at 122%. A less ambitious number from Constant Contact puts email ROI at $38 for every $1 spent, but still well ahead of other digital marketing tactics.

And that is likely to grow with email usage growing year over year–up to 3% annually from 2018 to 2023, according to Statista.  It is no wonder that 43% of businesses surveyed by  The Manifest are increasing their marketing spend on email marketing this year. Here are some email marketing effectiveness statistics to consider:

To boost the impact of your digital marketing spending, here are the key take-aways on email marketing effectiveness:

  1. If you can only afford to do one thing with your marketing resources, using email marketing is the way to go.
  2. With crowded inboxes, it is more important than ever to stand out and offer something recipients actually want.
  3. If your email isn’t mobile friendly, you are cutting out perhaps half of your audience.
  4. Consider sending business emails on evenings and weekends when workers are less harried.
  5. Test what frequency works best for you. Start low and slowly build, backing off when your read rate starts to dip.