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Brilliance In Marketing: Sports Marketing and the New York Mets

Interested in sports marketing? Join the American Marketing Association New York and talk to one of the city’s leading professionals in the field of marketing a major sports franchise.

The New York Mets are hosting the American Marketing Association New York for a day at the ball game–and an insider peak at marketing this New York sporting institution.

JULY 24 AT 5:00 PM – 7:10 PM

We talked to Mark Fine, Executive Director of Marketing for the team, with a preview of his talk on how the franchise goes to market.

Sign up now for an evening with of sports marketing and a great baseball game. We will start at the Mets Café with a talk from Mark Fine, Executive Director of Marketing for the team, who will discuss how the franchise goes to market. After his session, we will head to our seats, grab some refreshments, and enjoy the San Diego Padres vs Mets game.

With sports marketing, it isn’t about winning and losing. Marketing the Mets is about making good games great. More than where you sit, who they’re playing or whether they win or lose. Marketing for the Mets is about family-friendly fun and that’s brilliance in marketing.


00:21 I think what’s so unique about marketing the Mets is just how passionate our fan base is and how people look at this like a religion.

00:33 If you would have to describe our brand essence, it’s fun, it’s family-friendly, it’s inclusive, it’s hardworking and gritty

00:042  I don’t get too caught up in wins and losses. You certainly need to feed off the wins when they happen. And if you have a team that’s performing or sometimes over performing, yeah then it’s your role as a marketer to take advantage of that.

00:56 We need to put a plan together to get people in the ballpark, regardless of whether the team is performing well or not performing well.

01:03 You have seven to ten games in a row at home. We need to focus on games that we know that we can make great.

01:12 We want to make this experience memorable. And there’s a lot to do here. Twenty, twenty-five years ago at ballparks, they weren’t designednecessarily around experience.

01:19 They were designed around watching nine innings of baseball. But you look at Citi Field and there’s so many other things to do here, other than watch the game.

01:28 And certainly, if you just want to watch nine innings of baseball, we’re gonna appeal to that as well.

00:32 But the different culinary options here and the social spaces that exist, they make it fun for more than just watching baseball.

01:44 They make it an environment in which you can hang out with friends, hang out with family. You can do business with colleagues or business partners.

01:51 There’s all sorts of different experiences that you can have and you’re in the same ballpark.

01:56 Our goal is to get kids into the ball park by age eight that if they get in here by age

eight they’re gonna attend 59% more games over a lifetime than if they get into their first game at age 14.

02:10 It’s a tradition with families and we want to start that tradition as young as possible.

02:15 I look to our attendees here at Citi Field and I would put us against anybody in town that we draw more children. We draw more kids to our games than anybody else in this town no matter what the sport.

02:25 There’s nothing like seeing a game live and in person. People of all different races and ages come together as a single religion and root for the Mets.

2:44 Host Lisa Merriam: Marketing the Mets is about making good games great. More than where you sit, who they’re playing or whether they win or lose. Marketing for the Mets is about family-friendly fun and that’s brilliance in marketing.