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What’s the Future of Marketing? Media, Martech, and Techlash in the US & China Webinar

Wondering how marketing and media will evolve in this new decade? Worried about the techlash?
Craig Charney will presents key findings from AMA New York’s ground-breaking research study on the Future of Marketing, looking three to ten years ahead in the world’s two largest markets.

Next an all-star panel of nationally known marketers will discuss how marketers can cope with martech and the consumer techlash, then respond to your questions.
You will learn:

  • How to put your ad dollars where the eyeballs are going, not on the fashions the herd is chasing.
  • Which marketing technologies your customers like, which they don’t, and why many marketers ignore this.
  • How marketers like you can defuse the dangers of the techlash.

Speakers :

Craig Charney, President and CEO, Charney Research

Craig Charney, an AMA New York Board Member, has been President of Charney Research, a market research and polling firm focused on tech, health, and global markets, for 23 years. He has worked for leading lights in global marketing and politics. His clients have ranged from Samsung, Honda, Alcoa, and FCB to Bill Clinton and Nelson Mandela. Besides wide U.S. market experience, he worked extensively on China as research director of China Beige Book and on other projects. He holds a Yale Ph.D.

Joanna Seddon, President, Global Brand Consulting, Ogilvy

Joanna Seddon, former AMA New York President, works on many categories across developed and developing countries—from agriculture and healthcare to CPG, financial services, B2B, hospitality and more. Recent global clients include Procter & Gamble, Unilever, American Express, Barclays, Aetna, UPS, Coke, and the Dow/DuPont merger. With over 20 years’ experience, she is a globally-recognized expert on brand and business growth strategies. She holds a doctorate from Oxford University.

David Rogers, Faculty Director, Digital Business Strategy, Columbia Business School

David Rogers, AMA New York past president, teaches digital business leadership at Columbia Business School. He is an internationally-recognized leader on digital strategy, known for his model of customer networks and work on digital transformation. Rogers has consulted for global companies such as Google, Unilever, GE, Toyota, HSBC, Visa, Pizza Hut, Hard Rock Café, Pernod Ricard, Cartier, SAP, Cisco, Telstra, Merck, Lilly, China Eastern Airlines, and many others. He holds a Columbia Master’s.

Alan Schulman, Former CCO, Deloitte Digital, CCO, Contagious Content, AMA-NY Past Board Member

Alan Schulman, past AMA New York board member, recently left Deloitte Digital, where as CCO he led content management for Deloitte Consulting clients.  He now leads content marketing agency Contagious Content. Prior roles include VP, Global Digital Marketing, Sapient Nitro and work at Interpublic, McCann-Erickson, FutureBrand, and FCB.   He received an Interactive Ad Bureau award for creative excellence. He has master’s degrees from Northwestern and Howard.