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HOW TO MAKE YOUR CONSULTANT BUSINESS SCHEIN — A Presentation on How to Stand Out by Michael Schein

On the eventing of April 21st, MicroFame Media founder Michael Shein gave a extemporaneous presentation to 30 Executive Circle members on how to make your consulting business, or whatever entity you represent, stand out in a crowded field. The presentation was held at the New York Blood Center, courtesy of Executive Circle Board of Director Richard Miller-Murphy.

In brief, his theory is that you need to take a strong, defendable position that is contrary to the current conventional wisdom on whatever topic on which you wish to stand out. He developed this theory after studying history and current events. While his theory is certainly controversial, he was able to demonstrate how it works in today’s ADD/Social Media society.

Schein also gave a reading list (to those who requested it) of examples of how this contrarian theory works, including “Trust Me, I’m Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator” by the highly controversial and remorse-filled Ryan Holiday, formerly Director of Marketing for American Apparel. This book in particular demonstrates how a contrarian, controversial position can blow up in social media but also how easy it is to lose your perspective and morale compass in search of media coverage.

After the presentation, there was lively discussion amongst the Executive Circle members, questioning and discussing the moral implications of media manipulation in order to get your message heard, and where to “draw the line”. The discussion lasted well past the planned time due to level of interest and engagement of the EC members there.

Many thanks to Richard Miller-Murphy and the New York Blood Center for serving as hosts of the engaging and thought-provoking event.

Respectfully submitted,
Bruce Eaton